Monday, April 12, 2010

Recreation Meeting Minutes April 5th, 2010

Meeting was began at municipal building at 7pm at the picnic table because no-one was present to open the building.A brief rain shower caused us to move the meeting to A & J Pizza.

The following Commission members were present:

Barbara Holstein
Mary Kopetsky
Meg Snyder

There were two other people present at the meeting

Mayor Barbagallo
Devon Lyons

First action to be taken was to vote in Devon Lyons to fill the one year open alternate seat Vote- Meg, Mary and Barbara all voted yes

The Easter Egg Hunt was a success and all agreed to send Shop-Rite and the Fire Department thank you notes.

Middle School 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Social was approved at $400.00. The D.J. has been contracted for $300....the company comes highly recommended by several community members.The remaining $100 will be used for food and drinks, however there are several parents volunteering to help with food and drinks. Kim C. has given the use of her popcorn and hot dog machine. Dianne B is working on donations of condiments and hot dogs. Barbara will be talking to Shop-Rite for donations needed for remaining items that are needed, or will purchase them with the Shop-Rite card.Barbara will check the recreation storage closet for paper products to use at the social. Barbara will see Toni- Lu to request a check for the DJ to be ready on the 16th.

The School Board approved to allow recreation for Adult Volley Ball to continue till May 25th.

Meg will be holding reading and arts and crafts at the municipal building on April 27th. Building use approved.

Clay for 206 fields was approved at $1670. and has been delivered to the fields.

206 field nets- Discussion took place there were concerns that the field is not used enough. Previous project grant for bleachers at field has not been completed, and the brush has been cut back significantly at this time to help with retrieving of foul balls. Also recreation commission would consider funding for the purchase of "lost" baseballs as alternative to the expense of a net in the future if needed. Vote to fund the nets- Barbara, No- Meg, No- Mary, No- Devon, No

Memorial Day- Barbara is going to contact Rhodi Teufert about the celebration event. Rhodi will be organizing the event. The suggestion was made to involve the local VFW and Mr. Snyder and Mr. Benson.

Miss Montague Day- Meg reported that the event will be handled by the Montague Fire Dept and Lori Coss and will not be a recreation activity, nor any funds from Montague Recreation needed for this event/contest.

Adult Softball games will be on May Agenda. Looking to start games in June at the fields on 206 Barbara will verify the girls softball use of the fields on Sundays.

Soccer- Devon is going to contact Rick Braum about soccer and there was discussion to have spring soccer next year, in addition to fall soccer.

Karate- program to be started in September By Chris. Will need to come up with program details and flier. Also need to fill out a building use request form for use of the school gym for their August Board of Ed, meeting.


The date is September 25th, 2010 rain of shine.

Mary is going to contact radio stations about attending the event.

Meg is going to start advertising for VENDORS for the event. We discussed vendor fees and voted unanimous that $25.00 outside the tent or $50.00 for vendors inside/under the tent.

A food drive for local food pantries will take place at the event.

Devon is going to investigate building several" kid activities " such as bag toss, lolly pop tree, ect....opposed to buying or renting these items requests for materials will be made at Mays meeting.

Glen we need to get an update from Glen about the donated rink and getting it here to Montague. Steve Taylor was mentioned as possibly being able to help get it from Jefferson. The pad for the rink could be included with the heliport site project.

NOTE- April 7, 2010 Just spoke to Glen the rink is not happening.

Minutes submitted by Barbara Holstein