Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 15th Meeting Minutes

Present Barbara Holstein, David Gibson, Mary Kopetsky, Glen Goodyear, Christian Wall, Meg Snyder and Charles Teufert.


Terms of Recreation Members

Meg Snyder-3 year term ( Glen made motion, Barbara seconded motion vote all in favor)
Glen Goodyear- 2 year term ( Dave made motion, Meg seconded motion -vote all in favor)
Dave Gibson- 2 year term ( Glen made motion , Barbara seconded motion- vote all in favor)
Barbara Holstein- 1 year term (Meg made motion, Dave seconded motion- vote all in favor)
Christian Wall- 1 year term (Mary made motion, Glen seconded motion- vote all in favor)
Mary Kopetsky- 2 year alternate ( Meg made motion, Barbara seconded motion- vote all in favor)
(open) - 1 year alternate

Listing of Names and Contact information for Recreation Commissioners on Recreation web-site. Information has been updated.

Meg handed out 2010 proposed budget to members who were not able to attend budget meeting.

Meg handed out copies of past recreation budgets 2006, 07, 08 & 09 to all members.


6th, 7th and 8th Grade Social- Barbara Holstein gave update- Montague School has approved two dates April 16th and May 14th- Discussion followed with the commission agreeing on a dance/ sub sandwich event for April 16th cost of $400 to be presented to Township Committee on March 23rd for approval to proceed.

Price for Clay Rt. 206 fields (Dave Gibson is waiting for quotes)
Price for nets Rt. 206 fields ( Dave Gibson is waiting for quotes) cost of clay and nets not to exceed $3000. Discussion on cost for doing 2 sections of netting instead of 4 sections waiting on cost breakdown.

Easter Egg Hunt will be March 27th at 12pm at Montague Municipal Building, Discussion $250.00 will be requested at the march 23rd Township Committee meeting to purchase candy for egg hunt. Available commission members will meet at 10am at town hall to set up event.

Miss Montague Day- Discussion on cost- Waiting for more information before planning event.

Montague Day Discussion- Meg had spoken to Ruth Owen President of Montague Seniors, the seniors will again be selling pizza.

Pre-school Story arts and crafts- Meg gave update that there were children who came on March 15th and the next one will be March 30th, Meg will ask for permission to continue and ask for dates in April the 13th and 27th.


Windsor soil Company

assorted magazines and mail was distributed to which ever member wanted them.

Meeting concluded.

Meeting minutes submitted by- Meg Snyder